Friday, November 30, 2007

The Royal Pedicab Has Arrived!

Does anyone want to drive the royal pedicab?

Alex-with-the-pedicab did the most stand-up thing a soul could do -- while he was unable to actually make the parade himself (because he will make oodles of money for his family at the Jaguars game on Saturday in Jax) he was able to secure a pedicab for the parade that we could rent for a nominal fee, putting the 500-dollar deposit down himself so we wouldn't have to.

It's a beauty of a pedicab and, if I can get the battery pack charged tomorrow, will have decorative lights all over it.

I rode it home myself, with a member of Queen Bicycle's entourage lolling behind me in her car to make sure I wouldn't crash and concuss. But ask me if I'll be riding it in the parade and I will have to say, "no." It's got an amazing Gary Fischer bike attached to it that's way too big for me and I was frankly way too exhausted by the end of the short ride from John-with-the-other-pedicab's house to mine.

So, if anyone is feeling that special calling to be Queen Bicycle of 2007's royal pedicab driver (and frankly just wants an awesome workout) please speak up and approach to be deputized. The entourage has deigned to walk among the commoners to help hand out candy and possibly ride on a tandem (if one can be had on such short notice) leaving the lovely, wafer-thin Queen Bicycle with the pedicab all to herself.

Questions and my street address

As we're getting very close to parade time I need a tentative tally of participants so, in case asked, I can provide a number. Right now we've 15-20 people committed to being there.

Everyone who has been lurking at this point and trying to decide if they'll do the parade -- C'mon! We need you! Please email me at and let me know your druthers on this and any other issues.

Also, I was going to post a map of where I live so people could just "show up" until I realized that in this modern world it was perhaps better to give out the address to individuals as they email in and let me know they are coming. So, once again, my email is -- if you need a ride for your bike, I'll be at the house loading up the U-Haul from 3:30-4:00pm, at which time I will make the journey to High Springs.

Getting Ready -- Update 11/30/07

So much planning! I hope it all comes off as planned -- I remembered another place parade participants can go if they need directions is High Springs City Hall, located at 110 NW 1st Avenue. The woman in charge of the parade sign-up is named Cheryl (or Sheryl, I didn't get a spelling) and she will definitely have that information. I'm going to find a lot of this out myself, unfortunately, so let's all take a deep breath and just work through it one step at a time! And remember, it's going to be fun!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

High Springs Parade Update 11/29/07

Oh my gosh! We're getting so close to parade time! Just got a call from a nice gentleman at the High Springs Chamber of Commerce who explained that I would need to get to the High Springs City Hall by 4:30 pm to sign in and get our parade lineup number.

So much for leaving Gainesville at 4:30pm! Here's what I'm thinking: Anyone who wants to caravan with me out there can meet up at 3:30pm and we'll head out there at 4:00pm.

If you need a little more time and just want to meet us there, I received some instructions from the nice gentleman about where to meet. Apparently, there is a field behind St. Bartholomew's, across the street from the Fire Department. Everyone will be meeting at the big field and lining up starting at 5:00pm but I think you could definitely get there at 5:30pm without a problem.

For people who need extra time and need a ride for the bicycle or other cycling conveyance, they can drop by anytime between 3:30pm and 4:00pm and put their bike in the U-Haul. Unless I hear differently, I think I'm going to see if I can get a smaller U-Haul. It doesn't seem like there is much of a need for it, but I'm sure it will be handy in some ways!

Email me at with any questions or concerns!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Battery-powered Christmas Lights Revisited

Have been checking around for stores that have those cheap, 10-light strings that operate from a battery pack and found them today at the Dollar Tree on 13th Street. They had multicolored lights and clear lights, and take 2 "C' batteries (which is nice because you can use rechargeable ones). They had a ton of them and can be found along the wall with the rest of the Christmas decorations.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Update 11/23/07

Hello, and hope everyone had a peaceful Thanksgiving! A rider in the parade who is organizing about 5 other cyclists emailed today and wondered when and where we would meet on December 1st for the parade. This is a good question and unfortunately I do not have all that information right now.

I will call the High Springs Chamber of Commerce over the weekend and leave a voice mail with a request for information regarding where the parade originates and where we will be placed within the parade line. As soon I find out I will update.

In addition, all people who need transportation for their bikes and/or want to caravan out to High Springs will meet at my house on 12/1. I will start preparing to leave around 3pm and will start out for High Springs around 4:00-4:30pm. Please do not hesitate to email me at with any questions or concerns!

Glow sticks and other items at Gator Dollar:

Still checking the dollar and discount stores for lights and other items for the parade. At Gator Dollar they had 2-packs of glow necklaces, and 3-packs of glow bracelets. I bought 5 packs of glow bracelet packs -- they come with 3 connectors so you could feaseably make one necklace and one bracelet...for a dollar!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

High Springs Events on Parade Night

Thought I'd post this from the High Springs Chamber of Commerce website:

Twilight Christmas Parade and Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony Combined this Year!

For the first ever (at least we think it's never been done!) the Annual Twilight Christmas Parade and the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony will be combined into one event this year.

On Saturday, December 1st at 6:00 pm we will hold the 12th Annual Twilight Christmas Parade down Main Street of High Springs. The theme this year is The Waters of High Springs, It's in Our Nature! Please click below on the Parade Application if you would like to participate!

Then, immediately following the parade we will hold the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony downtown along the railroad tracks. We will continue with fun activities for the kids as well vendors selling Christmas gift ideas. There will also be food and live entertainment. And don't forget... Santa will be available for Christmas lists from all the good little girls and boys of High Springs!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Christmas Lights For Your Bike

One of the people riding in the parade asked where she could find battery-powered Christmas lights -- they do exist and around this time of year you can find them at Big Lots or Dollar Tree. They generally take "D" or "C" batteries and cost about a dollar. The one thing with these units is that the battery case is cheap at best so you will need strong rubber bands or duct tape to hold the thing together.

Michael Bluejay, author of How to Not Get Hit by Cars (an important read for all cyclists who do not wish to get hit by cars) has a great page on converting A/C Christmas lights to run off a DC power source.

Got this picture from Novelty

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Yay! He called over the weekend and said he would be the driver for Queen Bicycle of 2007's royal pedicab. I wouldn't have it any other way -- Alex is one of the nicest human beings I've ever met. He took people on pedicab rides for my son's 5th birthday party at Northeast Park and did way more than was expected of him. Needless to say, everyone had a fabulous time. Riding in a parade may have been a bit much to ask of any pedicab driver, but Alex has risen to the challenge. Thanks, Alex!

Driver's Pledge Graphic from Chicagoland Bicycle Federation

Thanks to Steven Buchtel and Randy Neufeld of for allowing me to use their driver's pledge graphic to make window clings and stickers to give out at the parade. I love this graphic because it's a great way to remind drivers (and cyclists and pedestrians) that we all need to share the road. If anyone is interested in helping print out stickers email me at -- thanks!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Children and Bicycles

I have a Bell child carrier and toddler helmet for anyone who wants to ride with their child in the parade. These items are also available after the parade for anyone who wants these, whether they ride in the parade or not! Email me at for more information.

Bicycle-powered Blender

Yes, it's true -- the bicycle-powered blender (and its owners) will be at the parade, mixing up some holiday cheer!

Friday, November 9, 2007


Just spoke to the nice people at SpinCycle and the nice pedicab driver, Alex, about being the conveyance for Queen Bicycle of 2007 and her entourage. Hopefully I will find out more over the weekend. In the meantime, if anyone has a pedicab they would be willing to ride in the parade please email me at

Need a ride to the parade?

I realize that getting out to High Springs for the parade might be an obstacle to folks who either don't have any other transportation or who do not have the capabilities to transport their bikes. Our household has this problem -- we have a cute little car but no way to carry bikes.

So, as I pledged to those attending the Informational Seminar for Parade 2007 last Saturday evening, no person who wants to go to the parade will be left behind. No cyclist left behind, no sir.

In keeping with my promise, I have just made a reservation for a 17-foot U-Haul truck to take any bicycle, or other bicycle-like conveyance, to the parade. I can also secure rides to High Springs for all participants who need one. Email me at for more information. As we get closer to the parade I'm going to need information about how many people and their bicycles will need transport.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Oh Joy! We have our Queen!

I'm still reeling from the news: Queen Bicycle of 2007 has agreed to ride in the parade with her entourage. She is gentle, sweet, and lovely and will be the rulestick against which all future Queen Bicycles will be chosen, I'm sure. Her majesty has requested some intermediaries to walk alongside the royal pedicab to help hand out treats to all the children. So, if you do not want to ride your bicycle in the parade, this is one of the many, many roles we have to help make a difference.